Dienstag, 4. Oktober 2016

Herr Möwe

This year's gouache painting from the series "animals with fancy hats" which I do for my mum's birthday since four years... 

Samstag, 3. September 2016

Charakter Sketches

Narajani, the lady djinn, Bergren a young monk, Nola a little street urchin and Hiram a birma cat.

Sometimes it's very relaxing to sketch old characters.

Donnerstag, 19. Mai 2016


It's fun for the ladies, too.

The idea came from a challenge of sketching famous literature in a short amount of time. Which is very fun.

Montag, 18. April 2016

Reading pleasure

A good book is an enjoyable thing! Tea goes well with reading -

and also works well as a base colour.